We are ReSET
ReSET Westchester, Inc. was created to welcome and ensure that new refugees have a safe home, and are prepared to lead productive and independent lives in the New York area.
ReSET Westchester is growing fast, please contribute today!
RESET Westchester’s MISSION is to welcome new refugees by ensuring they have a proper home, have the opportunity to learn English and are prepared to lead productive and independent lives within one year. We support the preservation of the valued cultures and traditions of our clients’ countries of origin. With your support ReSET has been able to achieve the following:
Arranged proper housing for 11 families; a total of 38 individuals. (We are currently working with five families from different countries.)
Secured asylum status for two clients
Helped eight clients learn to drive
Assisted eleven clients in securing jobs
Helped fourteen clients enroll in English language classes
Welcomed two new babies, with another on the way!